Since welcoming Phoebe to our facility in October, we have registered a further 21 new users!
Xinyu, an Undergraduate student working on Software Engineering group project.
Carolina, a Masters student aiming to develop and evaluate an IMU-based motion analysis system with 3D modelling capabilities that enhance upper limb rehabilitation for individuals with neurological disorders.
Jack, an Undergraduate student working on the Street View Bike project. Jack will be creating a web application similar to google street view displaying an interactive navigable 3D representation of the University of Nottingham campus.
Dom, a Masters student, working with RoboNotts as a mechanical engineer, providing support to the team for design and build tasks.
Litia, a Masters student, creating a time series visualisation app, using sample data from sensors.
Shanyu, an Undergraduate student, working for “Happy” engineering.
Jacob, an Undergraduate student, creating a time series visualisation app for a second year group project.
Walton, an Undergraduate student.
Jack, an Undergraduate student.
Toby, an Undergraduate student, developing an AI-powered Health Diary designed to support the unique needs of dementia patients, enhancing their quality of life and caregiving experience, using social robots as an interface method between users and the AI element.
Chao, an Undergraduate student, working to connect his software with a robot to help disabled people with daily food problems.
Zhangqianheng, a Masters student, working with the RoboNotts team.
Matthew, an Undergraduate student, working on ‘Sing-A-Bot’ a second year group project, aiming to create a robot focused around unique and innovative input methods to create an engaging experience, in particular augmented reality and signing (pitch and rhythm detection).
Chao, an Undergraduate student, working on a final year project to develop an assisting tool for helping people with dementia with their daily diet.
Littia, an Undergraduate student, working with the RoboNotts team.
Jason, an Undergraduate student, working on the f1tenth team to develop autonomous solutions for self driving cars.
Thomas, an Undergraduate student, working ‘MindLumens’ a second year group project – a 3D printed model of the brain, with LED lights representing brain activity from live fNIRS data.
Tzu-Hsiang, an Undergraduate student, working with the RoboNotts team.
Ali, a PhD student, working on a project ‘Evaluation of Biomechanical and Physiological Characteristics of Non-specific Neck Pain using Sensor Devices Aims’. The project aims to evaluate biomechanical and physiological parameters measured by sensor devices for classifying pain intensity in individuals with neck pain using machine learning algorithms.
Ayaz Moopan, an Undergraduate student, working on laser tagging with the Double robot.