We are looking forward to welcoming Alumni members from The Foundation for Science and Technology Future Leaders Scheme to the Cobot Maker Space this week.
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FST) is a UK charity that provides a platform for discussion between Parliament, Government, industry and wider research community. The Foundation Future Leaders (FFL) scheme brings together a cohort of approximately 30 early to mid career professionals over the course of a year, with representatives each from the research community, industry, and the civil service and wider public sector. Over the 12-month period, the group meet and hold discussions with senior figures from government, parliament, universities, large industry, SMEs, research charities and others. The Future Leaders present their own expertise, develop skills and make future contacts.
In addition to a tour of our facility on Thursday, guests will hear from Professor Jane Norman, Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor about the challenges and importance of University leadership and join a discussion between Professor Tom Rodden, Pro-vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange and guest, on science policy and innovation: fostering collaboration between research and government, chaired by Stephen Meek, Director of the Institute for Policy and Public Engagement. The afternoon will commence with an activity addressing responsible innovation, led by Horizon’s hoRRIzon 3.0 project team, using RRI prompts and practice cards, developed in earlier research, followed by a session delivered by Alumni leaders at the University of Nottingham and chaired by Gavin Costigan, Chief Executive (FST).