Telepresence Robot Playground (TERPLAY)

We welcome the Telepresence Robot Playground team to the Cobot Maker Space.
This is a TAS Hub Agile and Integrator Round 3 project, led by Gisela Reyes Cruz, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham.
Modern telepresence robots are semi-autonomous mobile devices that provide remote access into a setting, allowing users not only to video call but move around the space, either manually or autonomously. They are being adopted in domains such as museums and workplaces, however their uptake remains a challenge due to technical (e.g. limited view of surroundings), infrastructural (e.g. inaccessible spaces), and social (e.g. requiring assistance from others) factors. This project will develop a programme for continuous public engagement with organisations and stakeholders, with a particular interest in, but not limited to museum contexts, to co-explore telepresence robot adoption and deployment. Issues of trust, accessibility, and autonomy will be considered, helping to understand remote presence and explore value beyond replicating physical presence.
This project run from 1/9/2023 until 31/8/2024