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TAS ART: Augmented Robotic Telepresence Integrator

Mobile Robotic Telepresence (MRP) have autonomous systems features such as collision avoidance, they do not however typically allow for physical manipulation of the environment, have been found to engender limited trustworthiness, and have yet to achieve widespread adoption.

The TAS ART: Augmented Robotic Telepresence Integrator project will explore the potential of Augmented Robotic Telepresence (ART) to improve trustworthiness, inclusion/accessibility and independence afforded to remote users of MRP.

Work will include co-design and study of ART which draws on augmented reality (AR), Internet of Things (IoT) and robotic actuation with stakeholders across society in domains such as workplaces, museums, healthcare and education.

This project is funded by the Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (TAS Hub) and is led by the University of Nottingham in collaboration with Kings’ College London.

Project kick off video

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