Love Business EXPO

We were delighted to be a Partner at this years Love Business EXPO – an annual business to business networking event which took place at Holywell Park Conference Centre on the 15th February.

Members of the Cobot Maker Space Operations Team (including Robin the Humanoid robot and Spot our Boston Dynamics robotic dog) were joined by Horizon Transitional Assistant Professors Helena Webb and Horia Maior, RAI UK Transitional Assistant Professors Gisela Reyes Cruz and Damian Eke, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow Emily Crowe and Computer Science Student Krishika Khemani to showcase our state of the arts facility and talk about some of robotic and AI research being carried out at the University of Nottingham. Also in attendance were colleagues from the University of Nottingham Business Network, Careers and Employability, Nottingham University Business School and University of Nottingham Innovation Park.

Visitors to our stand enjoyed meeting the robots and trying out ‘Driving by the Seat of Your Pants’, a game using a pressure sensing mat – whilst seated their movements controlled a virtual robot in a graphical display presented on a screen in front of them.  Watch this short video to find out more about ‘Driving by the Seat of Your Pants’.

Love Business EXPO 2024 consisted of 104 stands with 206 exhibitors.  Over 1300 Visitors and VIP guests attended the event.  More information about Love Business EXPO 2024 can be found in this online magazine.  Take a look at our double page spread on pages 30 & 31!